In 2015, Astellas Pharma Canada and the Organ Donation and Transplant Research Foundation of BC partnered to create a two-year research funding program – the Astellas/Organ Donation and Transplant Research Foundation of BC Clinical Research Grant Program.
This program was committed to supporting patient-focused, clinical and collaborative research that addresses barriers in the field of organ transplantation, contributing to improving patient care on a national scope. A key aspect of this funding program was to develop collaborative and multi-disciplinary approaches to transplantation in British Columbia and across Canada.
In total, four $50,000 grants were awarded over the two-year partnership.
This partnership provided an exciting and unique opportunity for ODTRF and transplant researchers in BC and across Canada. The results of these projects will provide enormous benefit to our understanding of key transplant issues, as well as the larger transplant community and help to grow the collaborative nature of transplant research.
We will continue to provide updates on the projects as they are completed.